About us

PranicSource is founded by a team of highly motivated and spiritual people based out of New Jersey. We are a very spiritual team and would like to bring the world closer through our loving artwork and designs with deep rooted spiritual meaning.

Our goal is to enable everyone to get closer to the self and Unleash the Power Within!

We plan to host webinars and events with experts in Pranic Food, Pranic Healing, Mantras, Art of living, and  Yoga. Overall it is designed to empower people with personal development skills for greater health & well-being, a deeper spiritual connection and living a practical & fulfilling life. 


Team and Vision:

Pranic Source is a team of spiritual artists who want to impact the world in a positive manner through their artwork and creations. We offer beautiful custom designs on all kinds of apparel, drinkwares, households and stickers to help infuse your home with positive energy. We love what we do and believe in spreading love through our positive messages. The world has been brought together by the online space but is still very disconnected due to cultural, political and religious boundaries - only thing that could bring us all together is spirituality, peace messages and love. Pranic source is one such initiative with the vision to bring everyone together.